Old Market Funchal

Whilst waiting for the levada tour offices to open, we stumbeled across Mercado Dos Lavradores, which is the old farmers market. It dates from the 1940’s and is reminiscent of art deco architecture. On the lower ground floor there is a fresh fish market but it was closing as we arrived. We noticed large blue painted tiles at each side of the entrance. These attractive tiles are a feature of Funchal and can be seen on a multitude of buildings.

A courtyard entrance hall was fringed by stalls selling a colourful display of leather goods and fruit. Climbing the stairs we were assailed by a number of stalls with dates of various hues, suspended over the counter. Market sellers were keen to offer samples but I’ve never liked dates, so declined. Different types of old weighing machines and weights were displayed in cabinets. Looking over the balcony we could see the tops of the stalls below, covered in identical striped canvas that appeared all over the told town.

Dreaming in Arabic

Adventures in the United Arab Emirates & Beyond


Living is Easy with Eyes Closed